Criminal Defense Attorneys, Auto Accidents & Family Law Attorneys serving
Muskegon, Ottawa, Oceana and Newaygo Counties
Criminal Defense Attorneys, Auto Accidents & Family Law

OFFICE: (231) 769-2600
MOBILE: (231) 206-1718
Nolan Law Offices is a unique law office. As a life long Muskegon resident, Terry J. Nolan has been practicing most of his adult life in Muskegon and the surrounding Western Michigan counties. He has created an office where a client isn’t judged, and all are welcome. He has been incredibly successful in trials by jury and many have sought out his talents in the practice of Criminal Defense, Auto Accident & Family Law serving Muskegon, Ottawa, Oceana and Newaygo Counties.
Terry gives out his mobile number, he answers his phone, and if he cannot, he returns phone calls promptly. Terry is willing to meet with clients at night or on the weekends for their convenience. He remembers that he is working for the client and not the other way around. He is passionate in his representation and does his best to put himself in the shoes of the client in trying to decide and discuss what is in the client’s best interests.
Legal Services that can be provided include but are not limited to defense or assistance with: Assault & Battery, Drivers License Restoration(revoked or suspended), Domestic Violence, Drug Possession or Delivery, Drunk Driving(OWI), Homicide, Murder, Theft, Sex Crimes, Family Law, Child Custody, Parenting Time and Conviction Expungement.